Services & Data Requests - Data Descriptions

Standard Data Requests

Standard Data Requests are requests that encompass already prepared data sets or reports which do not require further programming, querying, or analysis by PHC4 staff. With the exception of the Standard Market Share Report and the Standard Financial Report, PHC4’s standard data requests are in the form of data sets. Standard Data Requests include the following:

Standard Administrative Data Sets

Currently PHC4 is collecting more than 4.9 million inpatient and ambulatory/outpatient records combined per year, (1.9 million inpatient records and 3.0 million ambulatory/outpatient records). These records are available in the form of standard data sets for those who wish to analyze detailed discharge and procedure data. There are more than 70 data fields available in each data set. Some examples of these include clinical and utilization information such as Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs), Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs), admission type and source, diagnosis and procedure codes, discharge status, length of stay, and charges. Also included is data on patient origin, payer, physician, and facility information. These standard data sets are available for inpatient and/or outpatient by quarter or year, and can be statewide, facility specific, or by any of PHC4’s nine regions.

Map of Pennsylvania

To view the data fields that are available for each data set and year click on the PDF links below.



Standard Revenue Code Detail Data Sets

The Revenue Code Detail Data Sets, which are available by quarter or by year for both inpatient and ambulatory/outpatient records, contain very detailed billing information that is provided by facilities. The Revenue Code Detail Data Sets contain records that break down the aggregated charges that are in the administrative data set records. Each individual line item in the Revenue Code Detail Data Sets is a charge for different types of room and board, services, equipment, and other charges. This standard data set is available only statewide for either inpatient and/or outpatient.

To view fields available for each revenue code detail set and year, select a time period below.



Standard CABG Surgery Data Sets

The Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery Data Sets contain data of the hospitals and surgeons that performed CABG surgery on adult patients in Pennsylvania. Over 70 fields of data are available including mortality rates, 7-day and 30-day readmissions, post-surgical lengths of stay and hospital charges. This standard data set is available only statewide.

Standard Financial Report

The Financial Report presents a profile of the financial health of hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. The report includes financial, utilization, and payer information by facility. The data is grouped by facility type and is available by year. This report contains data that is used in PHC4’s annual Financial Analysis reports.

To view the data fields available click on the PDF link below:

Standard Market Share Report

The Market Share Report provides inpatient and ambulatory/outpatient utilization data for the 67 Pennsylvania counties. The inpatient section of the report provides for each county the number of cases for 1) the top seven hospitals according to volume by DRG and 2) the top seven payers according to volume by hospital. The ambulatory/outpatient section of the report provides for each county the number of cases for 1) procedure groups by facility and 2) the top seven payers according to volume by facility. The data used in this report is preliminary, meaning it was not subject to the error correction process at the time the report was generated.

Support Files

When applicable, PHC4 provides the client with supplemental physician and facility data files. The supporting physician file provides the physician name, license number, and signature intials as submitted by the facilities. The supporting facility file provides a profile of hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. The file includes, when applicable, facility name, type of facility, PAF number (PHC4 assigned facility ID), bed count, and region.

Custom Data Requests

PHC4 provides customized data sets or reports upon request. A custom request is a data request for specific information that represents a subset of our standard administrative data sets. Custom data requests will focus on specific set criteria. A custom data request may include data records of a specific identified group of procedure codes, diagnosis codes, zip codes, counties, or any other data field within the administrative database. Custom data requests may entail aggregated data, such as the number of cases by DRG and so forth. Additionally, PHC4 can link its data to other data sources upon request, such as the vital statistics data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Please note that a non-refundable application fee of $75 must accompany a custom request. If the $75 does not accompany the request application your request application will be put on hold until the check is received.

For more information contact the Special Request Unit at .