PHC4 - Required Plug-ins

The PHC4 website freely distributes reports and other data which may require the use of a third-party plugin. The following plugins are available for free download and may require you to either restart your web browser or computer.

Adobe Acrobat
  • Whenever you see the following image, it means that the associated document(s) are available in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file format.
  • PDF Icon

  • In order to view the document, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer. To download the program, please visit the following website by clicking the link below. You will be taken to a new website with instructions on what to do.

  • Download Free Adobe Acrobat Reader
Microsoft Excel
  • Whenever you see the following image, it means that the associated document(s) are available in a Microsoft Excel (.xls) format.
  • Microsoft Excel Icon

  • In order to view the document(s), you will need to have the Microsoft Office Excel program installed or have the free Microsoft Excel plugin downloaded to your computer. To download the plugin, please visit the following website by clicking the link below. You will be taken to a new website with instructions on what to do.

  • Download Free Microsoft Excel Viewer