1, 3, 6, 7, 10,17, 46, 60, 63-66 "Early Identification of Hearing Impairment in Infants and Young Children." NIH Consensus Statement. 1993. March 1-3. Vol. 11. No. 1.
2, 40 American Academy of Pediatrics and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Guidelines for Perinatal Care. Fourth Edition. August 1997. Pages 160-173.
4, 5 American Academy of Pediatrics. "Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 1994 Position Statement." Pediatrics. 1995. Vol. 95.
8 Mason JA, Herrmann KR. "Universal Infant Hearing Screening by Automated Auditory Brainstem Response Measurement." Pediatrics. 1998. Vol. 101. No. 2. Pages 221-228.
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11 "Healthy People 2000. Conference Edition." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service. Pages 460-461.
12, 22, 69 Pennsylvania Speech-Language and Hearing Association. "Statement of PSHA Regarding the Health Care Cost Containment Council's Review of Senate Bill 938."
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14 Eric S. Cahill. Letter dated August 20, 1998.
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18 Bess FH, Paradise JL. "Universal Screening for Infant Hearing Impairment: Not Simple, Not Risk-Free, Not Necessarily Beneficial, and Not Presently Justified." Pediatrics. 1994. Pages 330-334.
19 Meister S. "The Problem: Lack of Screening Programs for 'Normal' Newborns." QRC Advisor. December 1993. Vol. 10. No. 2.
20 Bess FH. "Early Identification of Hearing Loss: A Review of The Whys, Hows, and Whens." The Hearing Journal. 1993. Vol. 46, No. 6. Pages 22-25.
21 Diane L. Sabo, Ph.D. Memo dated August 20, 1998.
23, 43 Jack L. Paradise, M.D. Letter dated August 20, 1998.
25, 33, 52 Christina Seaborg, MA, and Louis R. Sieminski, Ph.D. Letter dated September 25, 1998
26, 27, 49, 54 Robert C. Cicco, M.D. Letter dated August 19, 1998. addressing submissions for Senate Bill 938.
28 Kountakis SE, Psifidis A, Chang CJ, Stiernberg CM. "Risk Factors Associated With Hearing Loss in Neonates." American Journal of Otolaryngology. 1997. Vol. 18. No. 2. Pages 90-93.
29 Sheila Coyne and Irene B. Merenda. Letter dated July 27, 1998.
30, 38 Trace R. "Newborn Hearing Screening: State Programs Developed to Be Cost Effective." ADVANCE.
31 Barsky-Firkser L, Sun S. "Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: A Three-Year Experience." Pediatrics. 1997. Vol. 99. No. 6. From the website http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/99/6/e4.
32 National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management. "Selecting Equipment." From the website http://www.usu.edu/%Encham/publications/equipment.html.
34, 80 Karl White, Ph.D. "Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: Issues and Evidence."
35 Diefendorf AO, Renshaw JJ, Cox JB, Reitz PS. "Infant Hearing Screening." ENT Journal. 1992. Vol. 71. No. 10. Pages 503-507.
36, 68, 74 White KR, Mauk GW, Culpepper NB, Weirather Y. In Press, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening. Lynn Spivak, Editor. Pages 225-255.
37 Geraldine Dietz Fox. Letter dated August 20, 1998.
39 Crawford H. "Bold Move." ADVANCE for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists. March 2, 1998. Pages 13-14.
41, 45, 51 Michael S. Imbrogno, M.D. Letter dated September 21, 1998.
42 Pennsylvania Speech-Language and Hearing Association. Letter dated September 25, 1998, addressing submissions for Senate Bill 938.
44, 77, 78 Karl R. White, Ph.D. Letter dated August 18, 1998.
47, 48 Gilbert R. Herer, Ph.D. Letter addressing submissions for Senate Bill 938.
50, 76 Christina Seaborg. Memo dated August 19, 1998.
53 Bradley J. Bradford, M.D. Letter dated August 20, 1998.
56 National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates." Brief Analysis No. 237. August 1997.
57 Highmark. Submission to the Health Care Cost Containment Council for Senate Bill 499. July 2, 1998.
58 Independent Insurance Agents of Pennsylvania. Letter from Vince Phillips dated July 16, 1998.
59 Record of the Society of Actuaries. Volume 16. Number 1.
62 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. "Screening for Hearing Impairment." Guide to Clinical Preventive Services: Report of the U.S. Task Force. 2nd Edition. Baltimore: Williams & Williams. 1996 Pages 393-405.
67 Downs MP. "Universal newborn hearing screening - The Colorado story." International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 1995. Vol. 32. Pages 257-259.
70 Johnson JL, Kuntz NL, Sia CCJ, White KR, Johnson RL. "Newborn Hearing Screening in Hawaii." Hawaii Medical Journal. 1997. Vol. 56. Pages 352-355.
71 Rhode Island Women & Children's Hospital. "Rhode Island Hearing Assessment Program."
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73, 75 Johnson JL, Mauk GW, Takekawa KM, Simon PR, Sia CCJ, Blackwell PM. "Implementing a Statewide System of Services for Infants and Toddlers with Hearing Disabilities." Seminars in Hearing. 1993. Vol. 14. No. 1. Pages 105-119.
79 Mehl AL, Thomson V. "Newborn Hearing Screening: The Great Omission." Pediatrics. 1998. Vol. 101. No. 1. From the website http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/101/1/e4.
81 Tharpe AM, Clayton EW. "Newborn Hearing Screening: Issues in Legal Liability and Quality Assurance." American Journal of Audiology. 1997. Vol. 6. No. 2. Pages 5-12.
82 Pennsylvania Department of Health. From the website http://www.health.state.pa.us/pdf/hpa/stats/vital/natal-st.pdf.