Mandated Benefits Review - Senate Bill 590 - Submissions
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
Letter from Dr. Marshall H. Sager, a D.O. and a registered acupuncturist in Pennsylvania, addressing section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 590.
The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Letter from John R. Doubman, Secretary & Counsel, addressing section 9 requirements and opposing Senate Bill 590.
Cover letter from Bruce R. Hironimus.
"Submission to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council: Senate 590 Reimbursement for Acupuncture Services Non-Physician Licensed Acupuncturists". July 2, 1998.
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Statement: Acupuncture. In Press 2/4/98. NIH website.
National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance website.
"Patients Vote and Overwhelming 'Yes' for Acupuncture" by Claire M. Cassidy for "Meridians".
Esisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, et al. "Unconventional Medicine in the United States". New England Journal of Medicine. January 28, 1993: 246-252.
"Acupuncture is getting its point across". July 7, 1997.
Pelletier KR, Marie A, Krasner M, Haskell WL. "Current Trends in the Integration and Reimbursement of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Managed Care, Insurance Carriers, and Hospital Providers". American Journal of Health Promotion. 1997;12(2) : 112-123.
Moner SE. "Acupuncture and Addiction Treatment". Journal of Addictive Diseases. 1996; 15(3): 79-99.
Peterson JR. "Acupuncture in the 1990s". Archives of Family Medicine. 1996; 5: 237-240.
"An Analysis of Acupuncture Therapy for the Treatment of Chemical Dependency and it's Struggle for Legitimacy". Jeffrey A. Singer for The State University of New York at Stony Brook. Spring 1996.
Ballegaard S, Norrelund S. "Cost-Benefit of Combined Use of Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Lifestyle Adjustment for Treatment of Patients with Severe Angina Pectoris". Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Res, Int J. 1996; 21: 187-197.
AFLAC (American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus)
Cover letter from Richard J. Gmerek and Elvira O. Guida from the Law Offices of Maley, Williamson, Hayden & Gmerek.
"Statement of AFLAC Regarding the Health Care Cost Containment Council's Review of Senate Bill 590".
Pennsylvania Business Roundtable
Letter from Michael T. McCarthy, President, opposing mandated benefits in general, including Senate Bill 590.
Independence Blue Cross
Letter from Mary Ellen McMillen, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, opposing mandated benefits.
Employee Benefit Research Institute. "Trends in Health Insurance Coverage." EBRI Issue Brief Number 185. May 1997.
National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates." Brief Analysis No. 237. August 1997.
Rohm and Haas Company
Letter from Lois C. Morris, Manager of Health Care & Disability Programs, opposing mandated benefits, including those proposed in Senate Bill 590.
Unites States Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund
Letter from James T. Carney, Vice President - Administration, opposing mandated benefits, including those proposed in Senate Bill 590.