Mandated Benefits Review - Senate Bill 39 - Submissions
Highmark (Bruce R. Hironimus, Vice President for Government Affairs)
Cover Letter.
"Mandated Benefits Submission to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council Senate Bill 39, The Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Services Act."
Miller AB. "What Is the Role of Early Detection and Screening in Cancer Control?" Journal of Public Health Policy. Winter 1993: 403-412.
Chodak GW. "Questioning The Value Of Screening For Prostate Cancer In Asymptomatic Men". Urology. 42; 2: 116 -118. 1993.
Catalona WJ, Richie JP, Ahmann FR, Hudson MA, et al. "Comparison Of Digital Rectal Examination And Serum Prostate Specific Antigen In The Early Detection Of Prostate Cancer: Results Of A Multicenter Clinical Trial Of 6,630 Men". The Journal of Urology. 151: 1283-1290. 1994.
Woolf SH. "Public Health Perspective: The Health Policy Implications Of Screening For Prostate Cancer". The Journal of Urology. 152: 1685-1688. 1994.
Office of Technology Assessment. "Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Average Risk Adults". Congress of the United States. April 1995.
"Highlights: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guide".
American Cancer Society. "1998 FACTS figures".
"Examples of Important Preventive Services Addressed by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in the 1995 Guide to Clinical Preventive Services".
American Cancer Society. "1998 FACTS figures".
American Cancer Society. "Prevention and Detection Guidelines".
Cooper PF, Schone BS. "More Offers, Fewer Takers For Employment-Based Health Insurance: 1987 And 1996." Health Affairs. 16; 6: 142 - 149. 1997.
National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates". Brief Analysis No. 237. August 13, 1997.
Pennsylvania Economy League Capital Division. "Employer Health Care Costs- A Comparative Study of its Role in Pennsylvania's Business Climate". April, 1996.
AFLAC - American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Richard J. Gmerek and Elvira O. Guida, Law Offices of Maley, Williamson, Hayden & Gmerek)
Cover Letter.
"Statement of AFLAC Regarding the Health Care Cost Containment Council's
Review of Senate Bill 39."
AFLAC. "Why Supplemental Insurance" flyer. Form A -13012-92.
AFLAC. "Medical Expenses" flyer.
AFLAC. "Nonmedical Expenses" flyer.
The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, Inc. (John R. Doubman, Secretary & Counsel)
Letter addressing section 9 requirements.
Coleman BC. "Prostate-cancer test may reduce biopsies". The Philadelphia Inquirer. A6. May 20, 1998.
American Cancer Society, Commonwealth Division, Inc. (Francis X. O'Brien, Jr., Buchanan Ingersoll)
Cover Letter supporting breast cancer and colorectal cancer screening.
"Information Submitted By The American Cancer Society, Commonwealth Division, Inc. Regarding Senate Bill 39, PN 33 (Session of 1997)"
American Cancer Society. "Cancer: Basic Facts". Cancer Facts & Figures 1998. 1998: 1 - 7.
Managed Care Association of Pennsylvania(Kimberly J. Kockler, Executive Director)
Letter addressing section 9 requirements.
"Adult Preventive Health Guidelines".
Newman M. "Women's Health Care in HMOs and PPOs". Health Plan. Jan/Feb 1997: 8384.
"Prostate Cancer Screening and Early Detection". CcIHF The Prostate Cancer Info Link.
Tavorath R. 'Management of Colorectal Cancer". Cancer Care Update.
"Colorectal Cancer Screening: Summary".
Coleman BC. "Prostate-cancer test may reduce biopsies". The Philadelphia Inquirer. A6. May 20, 1998.
Fox Chase Cancer Center (Deborah Watkins Bruner, RN, MSN, Program Director)
Cover letter supporting the proposed benefits for prostate cancer screening.
"Documentation presented to the PA Cost Containment Council in accordance with the information categories described in Section 9 of Act 34in review of SB 39, the proposed Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Services Act". May 28, 1998.
PA Prostate Cancer Alert. Newsletter of the Pennsylvania Prostate Cancer Leadership Coalition. Volume 1, Issue 1. April - May 1998.
American Cancer Society. "Summary of American Cancer Society Recommendations for the Early Detection of Cancer in Asymptomatic People". Cancer Facts & Figures 1998. Page 31.
"Facts About Prostate Cancer".
"Coverage for Annual Prostate-Specific Antigen Tests in Other States".
Maugh TH. "Prostate research finds test effective". The Philadelphia Inquirer. A8. May 19, 1998.
"Decrease of Prostate Cancer Death by Screening: First Data from the Quebec Prospective and Randomized Study" abstract. Presented at American Society of Clinical Oncologists Annual Meeting. San Francisco, May 18, 1998.
"Senate Bill 428". State of Maryland.
"House Bill 1040". State of Maryland.
"Fiscal Note". Department of Fiscal Services, Maryland General Assembly.
American Foundation for Urologic Disease, Inc. (M. Brooke Moran, Director of Patient Advocacy & Government Affairs)
Cover letter supporting the proposed benefits for prostate cancer screening.
List of states with legislation requiring insurance reimbursement for annual prostate cancer detection testing.
"Costs Associated with the Prostate Cancer Screening Examination (PSA/DRE) vs. Breast Cancer Screening".
"Advocacy in Action: Insurance Reimbursement for Prostate Cancer Screening".
American Cancer Society. "Estimated New Cancer Cases, by State, 1998". Cancer Facts & Figures 1998. Page 5.
"House Bill 1040" State of Maryland.
"Fiscal Note". Department of Fiscal Services, Maryland General Assembly.
Senate Bill No. 1077. State of New Jersey.
Assembly Bill No. 1964. State of New Jersey.
Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania (Gerald M. Guarilia, Senior Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, and Gloria Blandina, Government Affairs Representative)
Brief letter.
Mr. Robert Alexander (on behalf of the PA Prostate Cancer Council)
Brief letter dated May 28, 1998 in support of the proposed prostate cancer screening benefits.
"Prostate research finds test effective". The Philadelphia Inquirer. A8. May 19, 1998.
"Facts About Prostate Cancer"
2nd letter dated July 6, 1998.
Pennsylvania Prostate Cancer Connection. Winter 1998; 1: 1.
PA Prostate Cancer Alert. April-May 1998; 1: 1.
Mr. James E. Williams, Jr. (Assistant Secretary of US Too! International Inc.)
Brief letter in support of the proposed prostate cancer screening benefits.
Independence Blue Cross (Mary Ellen McMillen, Vice President, Legislative Affairs)
Letter opposing mandates in general.
Employee Benefit Research Institute. "Trends in Health Insurance Coverage." EBRI Issue Brief Number 185. May 1997.
National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates". Brief Analysis No. 237. August 13, 1997.