Submissions for House Bill 656

Pennsylvania Dietetic Association (M. Colleen McCann, MPH, RD)

  1. Brief letter of support addressing inclusion of medical nutrition therapy in HB 656.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The Burden of Diabetes in Pennsylvania" Fact Sheet.
  3. American Diabetes Association, Pennsylvania Affiliate. "Fact Sheet - Support H.B. 656".
  4. American Diabetes Association. "Standards of Medical Care for Patients With Diabetes Mellitus" Diabetes Care. 21. 1998.
  5. Philadelphia Dietetic Association. "Medical Nutrition Therapy Improves Health & Reduces Cost: Evidence from the Philadelphia Region". January 1994.
  6. Naber B and Seidel M. "Medical Nutrition Therapy Improves Health Outcomes and Reduces Healthcare Costs: Evidence from the Greater Pittsburgh Area". October 1995.
  7. Commentary addressing current insurance coverage in Pennsylvania including discussion of Highmark of Western Pennsylvania, Aetna - US Healthcare of Western Pennsylvania, HealthAmerica, and Medicaid.
  8. Pennsylvania Employees Benefit Trust Fund Newsletter. "New Benefits Added to Retired Employees Health Program (REHP)". Fall 1997.
  9. "Testimony on House Bill #656. Kessey Kieselhorst, MPA, R.D., C.D.E. April 10, 1997."
  10. "Testimony Presented on: House Bill 656 Presented by: Teresa J. Crossan, MA, RD Date Presented: April 11, 1997.
  11. Copy of Testimony on House Bill 656 presented by Juliet Mancino.
  12. Wheeler ML. "The Art of Nutrition: Multiple Aspects of Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy". Diabetes Spectrum. 9: 97-98. 1996.
  13. Pastors JG. "Nutrition Assessment for Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy". Diabetes Spectrum. 9: 99-103. 1996.
  14. American Diabetes Association. "Economic Consequences of Diabetes Mellitus in the U.S. in 1997". Diabetes Care. 21:296. 1998.
  15. Franz MJ, Monk A, Bergenstal R, Mazze R. "Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Nutrition Therapy for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus". Diabetes Spectrum. 9: 122-127. 1996.
  16. Eastman R. "Cost-Effectiveness of Detecting and Treating Diabetic Retinopathy". Diabetes Spectrum. 9:182-183. 1996.
  17. Peters AL, Legoretta AP, Ossorio RD, Davidson MB. "Quality of Outpatients Care Provided to Diabetic Patients: A Health Maintenance Organization Experience". Diabetes Care. 19:6. 1996.
  18. Gagliardino JJ, Olivera EM, Barragan H, Puppo RA. "A Simple Economic Evaluation Model for Selecting Diabetes Health Care Strategies". Diabetic Medicine. 10:351-354. 1993.
  19. Selby JV, Ray GT, Zhang D, Colcy CJ. "Excess Costs of Medical Care for Patients with Diabetes in a Managed Care Population". Diabetes Care. 20:1396-1402. 1997.
  20. "Position of The American Dietetic Association: Cost-effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy". Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 95:88-91. 1995.
  21. Franz MJ, Monk A, Barry B et al. "Effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy provided by dieticians in the management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: A randomized, controlled clinical trial". Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 95: 1009-1017. 1995.
  22. Franz MJ, Splett PL, Monk A, et al. "Cost-effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy provided by dieticians for persons with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus". Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 95:1018-1024. 1995.
  23. "Lifetime Benefits and Costs of Intensive Therapy as Practiced in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial". JAMA. 276: 17: 1409-1415. 1996.
  24. United States map and "Impact of Diabetes Legislative Initiatives" Fact Sheet
  25. Page L. "Ohio joins debate: Must HMOs cover diabetes prevention?" American Medical News. February 9, 1998.
  26. Pennsylvania Department of Health. "Priority Area 17 - Diabetes and Chronic Disabling Conditions" Pennsylvania Assessment, Mid-Decade Review, Healthy People 2000. Pages 150-153.

American Association of Diabetes Educators (David Holtzman, Director of Government Affairs)

  1. Brief letter supporting diabetes education and need for third-party reimbursement.
  2. Stuart ME. "Redefining Boundaries in the Financing and Care of Diabetes: The Maryland Experience". The Milbank Quarterly. 74; 4: 679-694. 1994.
  3. Kaplan SH, Greenfield S. "Comments on the Financing and Care of Diabetes - 1. Evaluation of New Statewide Health Reform Initiatives". The Milbank Quarterly. 72; 4: 695-699. 1994.
  4. Sinnock P. "Reduced Hospital Utilization and Cost Savings Associated with Diabetes Patient Education". Journal of Insurance Medicine. 18; 3 24-29. 1986.
  5. American Diabetes Association Task Force of Financing Quality Health Care for Persons with Diabetes. "Diabetes Outpatient Education; The Evidence of Cost Savings".
  6. Elixhauser A. "Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Care for Diabetes Mellitus". Diabetes Spectrum. 2;6: 349-353. 1989.
  7. Krohm G, Grossman M. "Insurance Issues Paper: Study of Costs of Mandates Benefits" Reports of Phases I (1989) and II. Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance.
  8. Ratner RE. "Long-Term Health Care Outcomes in Diabetes: Economic and Political Implications". Current Therapies for Diabetes. 26; 3: 487-497. 1997.
  9. Levetan CS, Sdalas JR, Wilets IF, Zumoff B. "Impact of Endocrine and Diabetes Team Consultation on Hospital Length of Stay for Patients With Diabetes". The American Journal of Medicine. 99: 22-28. 1995.
  10. "Maine Ambulatory Diabetes Education and Follow-Up Program" - State of Maine Department of Human Services. Bureau of Health/Division of Health Promotion and Education.
  11. Wilson W, Pratt C. "The Impact of Diabetes Education and Peer Support upon Weight and Glycemic Control of Elderly Persons with Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)". American Journal of Public Health. 77: 634-35. 1982.
  12. "Diabetes Education Documentation".
  13. Sheils J, Stapleton D, Dietrich K, Scrivner S. "The Cost of Covering Medical Nutrition Therapy under Medicare: 1998 through 2004: Final Report" - The Lewin Group, Inc. April 1997.
  14. Theis SL, Johnson JH. "Strategies for Teaching Patients: A Meta-Analysis". Clinical Nurse Specialist. 9: 2: 100-105. 1995.

American Diabetes Association (Jennifer K. Ross, Regional Advocacy Director)

  1. Letter of support for HB 656.
  2. American Diabetes Association. "Mandated Benefit Submission Report: Submission Report on House Bill 656 - The Diabetes Insurance Coverage Act". May 1998.
  3. American Diabetes Association. "Diabetes Statistics: Pennsylvania". April 1997.
  4. Gaul G. "The hidden illness: Surge in diabetes overwhelms Pa."
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "National Diabetes Fact Sheet". November 1997.
  6. "Number of Deaths with Diabetes as Underlying or Contributory Cause, by Age, Sex, and State, United States, 1994".
  7. American Diabetes Association. "Economic Consequences of Diabetes Mellitus in the U.S. in 1997". 1998.
  8. Harris M. "Health Insurance and Diabetes". Diabetes in America. Chapter 29: 591-600. 1995.
  9. American Diabetes Association. "Costs of Diabetes". Diabetes 1996: Vital Statistics. Pages 67-69. 1996.
  10. Armbruster M. "Diabetes Patient Education Programs: Quality and Reimbursement". Diabetes Spectrum. 8; 3: 161-163. 1995.
  11. American Diabetes Association. "Standards of Medical Care for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus". Diabetes Care. 20:S5-S13. 1997.
  12. Levetan C, Ratner R. "The Economic Bottom Line on Preventive Diabetes Care" - Practical Diabetology. Pages 10-20. 1995.
  13. Sinnock P. "Reduced Hospital Utilization and Cost Savings Associated with Diabetes Patient Education". Journal of Insurance Medicine. 18; 3: 24-30. 1986.
  14. Albee SK, Lee TD. "Diabetes Preventive Care Cost Impact Study for the American Diabetes Association". Milliman & Robertson, Inc. April 1997.
  15. "Testimony in Support of House Bill 656 presented by Francis X. Perna, M.D. and Denise Bordlemay, R.N., B.S.N., C.D.E. on behalf of the American Diabetes Association, Pennsylvania Affiliate, Inc. April 10, 1997"
  16. "Testimony in Support of House Bill 656 presented by Ann Craig, M.D. and Ruth Ann Fitzpatrick, M.D. on behalf of the American Diabetes Association, Pennsylvania Affiliate, Inc. April 11, 1997"
  17. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Diabetes: A Serious Health Problem". 1998.
  18. Javitt JC, Chiang Y. "Economic Impact of Diabetes". Diabetes in America. Chapter 30:601-611. 1995.
  19. American Diabetes Association. "Diabetes Complications". Diabetes 1996: Vital Statistics. Pages 29-49 and 71-74. 1996.
  20. McCarren M. "Intensive Therapy: It Works". A Special Report from Diabetes Forecast. Pages 2-15. 1993.
  21. American Diabetes Association. "Implications of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial". Diabetes Care. 20: S62-S64. 1997.
  22. "Lifetime Benefits and Costs of Intensive Therapy as Practices in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial". JAMA. 276; 17: 1409-1415. 1996.
  23. American Diabetes Association. "National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs and American Diabetes Association Review Criteria". Diabetes Care. 20: S67-S70. 1997.
  24. Franz M, et al. "Goals for Diabetes Education". American Diabetes Association. 1989.
  25. Levetan CS, Salas JR, Wilets IF, Zumoff B. "Impact of Endocrine and Diabetes Team Consultation on Hospital Length of Stay for Patients With Diabetes". The American Journal of Medicine. 99:22-28. 1995.
  26. Warren-Boulton E. "Studies of Educational Intervention and Outcomes in Diabetic Adults: A Meta-Analysis Revisited". Diabetes Spectrum. 8; 3: 160-161. 1995.
  27. Ratner R. "Preconception Care of Diabetes: Glycemic Control Prevents Congenital Anomalies". Diabetes Spectrum. 8; 3: 164-165. 1995.
  28. American Diabetes Association. "Annual Cost of Diabetes-Related Hospitalizations in PA".
  29. Krohm G, Grossman M. "Insurance Issues Paper: Study of Costs of Mandated Benefits" Report on Phase I. Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance. 1989.
  30. American Diabetes Association Task Force on Financing Quality Health Care for Persons with Diabetes. "Diabetes Outpatient Education: The Evidence of Cost Savings".
  31. "Maine Ambulatory Diabetes Education and Follow-up Program" - State of Maine Department of Human Services. Bureau of Health/Division of Health Promotion and Education.
  32. "State of Maryland Diabetes Care Program (DCP): An Independent Evaluation of the Waiver granted to The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene under Sections 1915(b) (1) and (3) of the Social Security Act". The Center for Health Program Development and Management, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. 1995. GG. Letter dated July 7, 1998, in response to documentation submitted to the Council.

Highmark (Bruce R. Hironimus, Vice President, Government Affairs)

  1. Cover Letter
  2. "Mandated Benefits Submission to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, House Bill 656, The Diabetes Supplies and Education and Hearing Aid Mandate". May 29, 1998.
  3. Assal JP, Jacquermet S, Morel Y. "The Added Value of Therapy in Diabetes: The Education of Patients for Self-Management of Their Disease". Metabolism. 46; 12: 61-64. 1997.
  4. Piette JD. "Moving Diabetes Management From Clinic to Community: Development of a Prototype Based on Automated Voice Messaging". The Diabetes Educator. 23; 6: 672-680. 1997.
  5. Morris AD, Boyle DIR, McMahon AD, et al. "Adherence to Insulin treatment, gylcemic control, and ketoacidosis in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus". The Lancet. 350: 1505-1510. 1997.
  6. Herman WH, Dasbach EJ, Songer TJ, Eastman RC. "The Cost-Effectiveness Of Intensive Therapy For Diabetes Mellitus". Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. 26; 3: 679-695. 1997.
  7. Roman SH, Harris MI. "Management Of Diabetes Mellitus From A Public Health Perspective". Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. 26; 3: 443-474. 1997.
  8. Ratner RE. "Long-Term Health Care Outcomes in Diabetes". Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America. 26; 3: 487-498. 1997.
  9. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. "The Effect Of Intensive Treatment Of Diabetes On The Development And Progression Of Long-Term Complications In Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus". The New England Journal of Medicine. 329; 14: 977-986. 1993.
  10. "Diabetes Statistics".
  11. "Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield HealthPLACE Diabetes Management Program Overview".
  12. "American Healthcorp's DTCA Signs Major Diabetes Disease Management Contract With Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield".
  13. Cooper PF, Schone BS. "More Offers, Fewer Takers For Employment-Based Health Insurance: 1987 and 1996". Health Affairs. 16; 6: 142-149.
  14. National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates". Brief Analysis No. 237. August 13, 1997.
  15. Gaul GM. "The hidden illness: Surge in diabetes overwhelms Pa." The Philadelphia Inquirer. April 5, 1998.
  16. Pennsylvania Economy League Capital Division. "Employer Health Care Costs - A Comparative Study of its Role in Pennsylvania's Business Climate". April, 1996.

The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, Inc. (John R. Doubman, Secretary & Counsel)

  1. Letter addressing section 9 requirements and supporting House Bill 656 and both amendments.

Managed Care Association of Pennsylvania (Kimberly J. Kockler, Executive Director)

  1. Letter addressing section 9 requirements and raising concerns about House Bill 656.
  2. Penn State Geisinger. "Care Coordination Program Oversees Multidisciplinary Disease Management". MD Network. April/May 1998.
  3. Wieland LD, Vigil JM, Hoffman RM, Janie LW. "Relationship between home glucose testing and hemoglobin A1c in type II diabetes patients". Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 54:1062 - 1065. 1997.

HealthAmerica (Alanna M. Clark, Director of Governmental and Public Affairs)

  1. Letter addressing section 9 requirements and raising concerns about House Bill 656.
  2. "Harrisburg Area Fully Insured HMO ESI Subscriber and IDX Enrollment Location HA HBG HMO Claims Incurred 7/1/97 - 12/31/97"
  3. List of insulin drugs, non-insulin drugs, test strips and glucometer proc codes.

Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (Carmen A. DiCello, R.Ph, Executive Director)

  1. Letter of support for House Bill 656.
  2. "Summary - House Insurance Committee Hearing: HB 656 - Reimbursement for Diabetic Supplies, Education April 11, 1997".
  3. Separate fax from Jean Woodruff discussing personal costs incurred for diabetic supplies by a staff member.
  4. Letters from two members of the Association with information on the cost of diabetic supplies.

AFLAC (Richard J. Gmerek and Elvira O. Guida, Law Offices of Maley, Williamson, Hayden & Gmerek)

  1. Cover letter.
  2. "Statement of AFLAC Regarding the Health Care Cost Containment Council's Review of House Bill 656".
  3. Copy of Brochure listing benefits.

Holy Spirit Hospital, Diabetes Services (A. Denise Bordlemay, RN, BSN, CDE, Manager of Diabetes Services HSH)

  1. Letter of support for House Bill 656.

Capitol Blue Cross / Pennsylvania Blue Shield (Vincent P. Carocci, Manager of Government Relations for Capital Blue Cross and Mary Ellen McMillen, Vice-President for Legislative Policy for Independence Blue Cross)

  1. Letter stating their recommendation for two amendments of House Bill 656.

Independence Blue Cross (Mary Ellen McMillen, Vice President, Legislative Policy)

  1. Letter opposing mandates in general.
  2. National Center for Policy Analysis. "The Cost of Health Insurance Mandates." Brief Analysis No. 237. August 1997.
  3. Employee Benefit Research Institute. "Trends in Health Insurance Coverage." EBRI Issue Brief Number 185. May 1997.
  4. Memorandum relating to costs of implementing a diabetes coverage mandate.
  5. Copies of electronic mail communications regarding coverage for diabetes supplies and medication.

Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania (Gerald M. Guarilia, Senior Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, and Gloria Blandina, Government Affairs Representative)

  1. Letter opposing mandates in general and raising concerns about House Bill 656.

Pennsylvania Business Roundtable (Michael T. McCarthy, President)

  1. Letter opposing legislative mandates, including those proposed in HB 656

Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Richard J. Gmerek and Elvira O. Guida of the Law Offices of Maley, Williamson, Hayden & Gmerek)

  1. Letter addressing hearing aid coverage proposed in House Bill 656.

Penn State Geisinger Health System (Dr. James Hammond, Head, Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, et al.)

  1. Letter of support for HB 656.
  2. American Dietetic Association. "For Your Information - Diabetes Education and Equipment Instructions Issued." Memorandum. June 26, 1998.
  3. Separate letter from Dr. Alan Adelman, et al. Supporting House Bill 656.

120 Letters from Pennsylvania residents supporting House Bill 656.