Highmark (Bruce R. Hironimus, Vice President of Government Affairs)
Letter addressing hepatitis B immunization.
Hepatitis B Foundation (Joan M. Block, R.N., President)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
"B - Informed." Newsletter of the Hepatitis B Foundation. No. 23. Spring/Summer 1998.
"Someone You Know Has Hepatitis B" pamphlet.
"Protect Yourself and Those You Love From Hepatitis B" pamphlet.
American Academy of Pediatrics, Pennsylvania Chapter (Bradley J. Bradford, M.D., President)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (Trish Parnell)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
Representative John M. Perzel, Majority Leader of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Letter supporting House Bill 1873.
Atkinson W, Furphy L, Gantt J, and Mayfield M. "Hepatitis B." Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, 2nd edition. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. July 1995. Pages 139-158.
American Academy of Pediatrics. "Hepatitis B." 1997 Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 24th edition. American Academy of Pediatrics. 1997. Pages 247-260.
Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee. "Hepatitis B Virus: A Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the United States Through Universal Childhood Vaccination." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. November 22, 1991. Vol 40. Pages 1-25.
Lee W. "Hepatitis B Virus Infection." The New England Journal of Medicine. December, 1997. Vol. 334: No. 24. Pages 1733-1745.
Andre FE. "Overview of a 5-year clinical experience with a yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine." Vaccine. 1990. Vol. 8: Supplement 1990. Pages S74-S78.
Hollinger FB. "Comprehensive control (or elimination) of hepatitis B virus transmission in the United States." Pages S24-S30.
Hyams KC. "Risks of Chronicity Following Acute Hepatitis B Virus Infection: A Review." Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1995. Vol 20. Pages 992-1000.
Shapiro CN. "Epidemiology of hepatitis B." The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 1993. Vol. 12, No. 5. Pages 433-437.
Koff RS. "Hepatitis B today: clinical and diagnostic overview." The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 1993. Vol. 12, No. 5. Pages 428-432.
Andre FE and Zuckerman AJ. "Review: Protective Efficacy of Hepatitis B Vaccines in Neonates." Journal of Medical Virology. 1994. Vol. 44. Pages 144-151.
Andrew FE and Safary A. "Protective efficacy studies with a hepatitis B recombinant DNA vaccine." Abstract. 23rd Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. Leuven, Belgium, August 1988.
McMahon BJ, Mandsager R, Wainwright R, Williams J, and Singleton R. "The Alaska native hepatitis B control program." Pages 702-704.
Margolis HS, Coleman PJ, Brown RE, Mast EE, Sheingold SH, and Arevalo JA. "Prevention of Hepatitis B Virus Transmission by Immunization." JAMA. 1995. Vol. 274, No. 15. Pages 1201- 1208.
"The Public's Health Unprotected: Reversing a Decade of Underutilization of Hepatitis B Vaccine." Editorial. JAMA. 1995. Vol. 274, No. 15. Pages 1242-1243.
Margolis HS, Schatz GC, and Kane MA. "Development of recommendations for control of hepatitis B virus infections: the role of cost analysis." Vaccine. 1990. Vol. 8, Supplement 1990. Pages S81-S85.
Bloom BS, Hillman AL, Fendrick AM, and Schwartz JS. "A Reappraisal of Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination Strategies Using Cost-Effectiveness Analysis." Annals of Internal Medicine. 1993. Vol. 118, No. 4. Pages 298-306.
Mulley AG, Silverstein MD, and Dienstag JL. "Indications for use of Hepatitis B Vaccine, Based on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis." The New England Journal of Medicine. 1982. Vol. 307. Pages 644-652.
Hillman AL, Blasco I, Bloom BS, and Schwartz JS. "Cost Effectiveness of Hepatitis B Immunization Strategies." PharmacoEconomics. 1994. Vol. 5, No. 2. Pages 85-87.
Krahn M and Detsky AS. "Should Canada and the United States Universally Vaccinate Infants against Hepatitis B?" Medical Decision Making. 1993. Vol. 13, No. 1. Pages 4-20.
Chang MH, Chen CJ, Lai MS, Hsu HM, et al. "Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Taiwan and the Incidence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Children." The New England Journal of Medicine. 1997. Vol. 336, No. 26. Pages 1855-1859.
Zuckerman AJ. "Prevention of Primary Liver Cancer by Immunization." The New England Journal of Medicine. 1997. Vol. 336, No. 26. Pages 1906-1907.
Mayor S. "Liver cancer in Taiwan falls after universal hepatitis B vaccination." BMJ. 1997. Vol. 315.
Chen DS. "Hepatitis B Vaccines: Status Report on Long-Term Efficacy." Abstract. IX Triennial International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Rome, Italy. April 1996.
Harrison TJ, Chen JY, and Zuckerman AJ. "Hepatitis B and primary liver cancer." Cancer Treatment Reviews. 1986. Vol. 13. Pages 1-16.
Tsai JF, Chang WY, Jeng JE, Ho MS, Lin ZY, and Tsai JH. "Hepatitis B and C virus infection as risk factors for liver cirrhosis and cirrhotic hepatocellular carcinoma: a case-control study." Liver. 1994. Vol. 14. Pages 98-102.
Yu MW, Hsu FC, Chu CM, Lin DY, Chen CJ, and Liaw YF. "Prospective Study of Heptatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Cirrhosis in Asymptomatic Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Carriers." American Journal of Epidemiology. 1997. Vol. 145, No. 11. Pages 1039-1047.
Blumberg. "Hepatitis B virus, the vaccine, and the control of primary cancer of the liver." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1997. Vol. 94. Pages 7121-7125.
Morio S, Okamoto N, Minowa M, Mori H, and Nishioka K. "Preventive Effect of HB Vaccination against Liver Cancer: an estimation by Simulation." Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 1987. Vol. 87, Pages 899-907.
"Worldwide Immunization Program Targets Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer." Journal of the National Cancer Institute." 1991. Vol. 83, No. 10.
Jin OC. "Liver Cancer in Singapore: An Overview." Singapore Med. J. 1987. Vol. 28, No. 5. Pages 410-414.
Shu-Sheng W, et al. "Vaccination Against Hepatitis B in Long An County, a Hyperendemic Area of Primary Liver Cancer." Abstract.
Zhu K, Levine RS, Brann EA, and Brann MK. "The Relationship of Hepatitis History and Pathological Diagnosis of Primary Liver Cancer." J Clin Epidemiol. 1997. Vol. 50, No. 3. Pages 297-301.
World Health Organization. "Hepatitis B Vaccine set for Introduction into National Immunization Programmes." Press Release WHO/12. February 1992.
Okada S, et al. "Past Exposure to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) as a Risk Factor for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Japanese Liver Patients with Chronic Liver Disease (CLD): A Case-Control Study." Abstract.
4 Memos on Hepatitis B Vaccine.
"Immunization of Adolescents: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American Medical Association." Morbidity and mortality Weekly Report. 1996. Vol. 45.
Brookman RR, Koff RS, Schaffner W, Margolis HS, Collins M, Bloom BS, and Coupey SM. "Critical Issues Surrounding Hepatitis B Vaccination for Adolescents: A Roundtable." Journal of Adolescent Health. 1995. Vol. 17, No. 4. Pages 208-233.
Lawrence MH and Goldstein MA. "Hepatitis B Immunization in Adolescents." Journal of Adolescent Health. 1995. Vol. 17, No. 4. Pages 234-243.
Sharfstein J and Wise PH. "Inadequate Hepatitis B Vaccination of Adolescents and Adults at an Urban Community Health Center." Journal of the National Medical Association. 1997. Vol. 89, No. 2. Pages 86-92.
Mattey EA. "Hepatitis B Vaccine for School Staff at Risk." Journal of School Nursing. 1997. Vol. 13, No. 1. Pages 4-8.
Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Medical College (Hie-Won L. Hann, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Director, Liver Disease Prevention Center)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania (John R. Doubman, Secretary & Counsel)
Letter addressing section 9 requirements.
Hepatitis Foundation International (Thelma King Thiel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
Numerous pamphlets and brochures on hepatitis.
Pennsylvania Department of Health (Gary L. Gurian, Deputy Secretary for Public Health Programs)
Letter describing several hepatitis B vaccination programs developed and supported by the Department of Health.
Fox Chase Cancer Center (W. Thomas London, M.D., Researcher)
Letter supporting hepatitis B immunization.
Fox Chase Cancer Center (Baruch S. Blumberg, M.D., Ph.D., Researcher, Science Advisor to the Hepatitis B Foundation)