HPR Technical Report - Data Collection and Verification

The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council is mandated by state law to collect and disseminate health care data using guidelines set forth by the Health Care Financing Administration. These data, obtained from the UB-92 (Uniform Billing Form), are submitted quarterly to the Council by Pennsylvania hospitals via magnetic media as directed under Section 912, Data Submission Requirements, of Act 89. The data include demographic information, hospital charges, and diagnosis and procedure codes using ICD.9.CM (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification).

In a contractual agreement with CIC-MediQual in Marlborough, Massachusetts, hospitals are required to use CIC-MediQual's Atlas™ Severity of Illness System to abstract patient severity information. The Admission Severity Group (ASG) scores generated by this system are submitted to the Council for a select group of acute care inpatient records covering approximately 75 percent of acute care hospital discharges.

The data used for this report was submitted to the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council by Pennsylvania general acute care and specialty acute care hospitals covering the period of calendar year 1998. Federal hospitals are not required to submit data.

Facilities are required to submit data to the Council on a quarterly basis by 90 days from the last day of each quarter. Upon receipt of the data, media verification is performed to assure data has been submitted in a readable format. The data verification process continues with extensive quality assurance checks and matching of admission severity scores to inpatient records. Error reports are generated and returned to each facility with an opportunity to correct any problems.