Contact: Stephanie Suran, Communications Manager
717-232-6787 or
Harrisburg, PA - November 23, 2010 - Today, the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) released a new report – Financial Analysis 2009, Volume Three – which focuses on the financial health of the state’s non-general acute care facilities, which include rehabilitation, psychiatric, long-term acute care (LTAC), and specialty hospitals.
“The rehabilitation, psychiatric, LTAC and specialty hospitals featured in this report are important components of the state’s health care delivery system,” said Joe Martin, PHC4’s Executive Director. “In fiscal year 2009 (FY09), these facilities reported nearly 95,000 inpatient discharges, 1.5 million patient days, and 2.3 million outpatient visits.”
Volume Three is the last report in PHC4’s three-volume Financial Analysis 2009 series. Volume One, released in May 2010, focused on the financial health of the state’s general acute care hospitals. Volume Two, released in October 2010, concentrated on the state’s ambulatory surgery centers.
Report highlights:
The statewide average operating margin for the state’s 20 rehabilitation hospitals improved 1.33 percentage points from 8.90% in FY08 to 10.23% in FY09. The statewide average total margin declined 5.79 percentage points from 11.49% in FY08 to 5.70% in FY09. However, the decline in total margin was driven almost entirely by the size of a single rehabilitation hospital’s negative total margin (‑75.09%).
Of all hospital categories featured in this report, rehabilitation hospitals had the highest statewide average operating margin in FY09.
For the fifth consecutive year, Pennsylvania’s 19 freestanding psychiatric hospitals as a group have posted an increase in the statewide average operating margin. The statewide average operating margin grew another 0.23 of a percentage point from 5.96% in FY08 to 6.19% in FY09.
After four consecutive years of increases, the statewide average total margin for the psychiatric hospitals decreased 1.96 percentage points from 4.55% in FY08 to 2.59% in FY09.
The statewide average operating margin for the state’s 27 LTAC hospitals increased 1.15 percentage points from 2.31% in FY08 to 3.46% in FY09. The statewide average total margin increased 0.33 of a percentage point from 2.07% in FY08 to 2.40% in FY09.
LTAC hospitals received nearly two-thirds (65.9%) of their patient revenue from Medicare patients during FY09.
The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council is an independent state agency charged with collecting, analyzing and reporting information that can be used to improve the quality and restrain the cost of health care in Pennsylvania. Copies of Financial Analysis 2009, Volume Three are free and available on the Council’s website at