CABG 1994-1995 - Special Message

A Joint Message from the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO

The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry support efforts like this report to provide those who purchase health care services with the informational tools to obtain good, quality health care at a reasonable price. That was the original vision that led to the creation of the Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, an independent state agency that remains a unique and groundbreaking pioneer in the field of public health care information.

As the representatives of the business and organized labor communities, it is vital that costs be restrained, quality improved and access to care increased. This is our commitment to all Pennsylvanians. The Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council has been instrumental in this process by providing free public reports about Pennsylvania's hospitals and physicians and has our strongest support.

In recent years, the health care system has changed swiftly and dramatically. And the Health Care Cost Containment Council has again responded to the need for information. This new Guide to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery builds upon past guides by including, for the first time, quality of care information about CABG patients belonging to specific health plans and programs. It marks the first time the Council has publicly reported data about hospitals, cardiac surgeons and health care plans in one package. This starts a process whereby purchasers and consumers can begin to ask intelligent questions, raise important issues about the interrelationship among doctors, hospitals and health plans - the emerging system that cares for patients. It is by no means an end, but it is a positive beginning.

As the voices of business and labor in the Commonwealth, we have a large stake in the well being of all Pennsylvanians. This comprehensive report provides valuable information to consumers, purchasers of health benefits, health care providers, payors and policy makers. As you review it and formulate questions about the information presented in it, it is our hope that you walk away with a clearer picture of your health care options in Pennsylvania.