Table 5: Ambulatory Surgery Cases vs. Inpatient Cases by Collected Procedure

Collected Procedure Ambulatory Surgery Cases Inpatient Cases Total Cases
Procedure Group Code Number % Procedure % Mean Age Number % Procedure % Mean Age % ASG>0 Number %
Cardiovascular System
Heart & Pericardium - Other Operations 37 5,872 2% 29% 60.2 14,523 6% 71% 64.2 89% 20,395 4%
Valves & Septa of Heart 35 4 <1% <1% 14.5 1,428 1% 100% 57.4 87% 1,432 <1%
Vessels (Excludes Coronary) - Incision, Excisio 38 2,823 1% 27% 56.8 7,501 3% 73% 63.5 90% 10,324 2%
Vessels (Excludes Coronary) - Other Operations 39 1,137 <1% 19% 59.4 4,878 2% 81% 63.6 92% 6,015 1%
Vessels of Heart 36 24 <1% <1% 58.6 12,280 5% 100% 63.7 91% 12,304 3%
System Total 9,860 4% 20% 59.1 40,610 18% 80% 63.6 90% 50,470 10%
Digestive System
Abdominal Region - Other Operations 54 2,770 1% 44% 39.3 3,487 2% 56% 54.6 76% 6,257 1%
Anus 49 2,017 1% 82% 47.3 438 <1% 18% 49.5 28% 2,455 <1%
Appendix 47 71 <1% 3% 28 2,439 1% 97% 29.6 16% 2,510 1%
Esophagus 42 2,280 1% 77% 61.3 665 <1% 23% 55.8 86% 2,945 1%
Gallbladder & Biliary Tract 51 2,635 1% 26% 50 7,661 3% 74% 55.3 47% 10,296 2%
Hernia - Repair of 53 8,708 3% 80% 47.2 2,110 1% 20% 58.8 66% 10,818 2%
Intestine - Incision, Excision & Anastomosis 45 47,152 18% 74% 58.6 16,619 7% 26% 65.5 85% 63,771 13%
Intestine - Other Operations 46 118 <1% 10% 64.9 1,037 <1% 90% 57.4 78% 1,155 <1%
Liver 50 954 <1% 56% 50.6 739 <1% 44% 52 80% 1,693 <1%
Pancreas 52 78 <1% 23% 58.5 267 <1% 77% 59.5 92% 345 <1%
Rectum, Rectosigmoid, & Perirectal Tissue 48 1,536 1% 46% 57.6 1,800 1% 54% 66.2 80% 3,336 1%
Stomach - Incision & Excision 43 501 <1% 21% 70.5 1,866 1% 79% 69.3 85% 2,367 <1%
Stomach - Other Operations 44 577 <1% 33% 58.4 1,169 1% 67% 59.8 80% 1,746 <1%
System Total 69,397 26% 63% 55.8 40,297 18% 37% 59.3 71% 109,694 22%
External Ear 18 707 <1% 85% 42 123 <1% 15% 38 43% 830 <1%
Middle & Inner Ear - Other Operations 20 5,877 2% 95% 8.2 314 <1% 5% 25.5 16% 6,191 1%
Middle Ear - Reconstructive 19 496 <1% 86% 34.4 81 <1% 14% 35.3 9% 577 <1%
System Total 7,080 3% 93% 13.4 518 <1% 7% 30 21% 7,598 2%
Endocrine System
Endocrine Glands 7 21 <1% 12% 65.9 157 <1% 88% 47.2 73% 178 <1%
Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands 6 200 <1% 17% 44.4 943 <1% 83% 50.8 78% 1,143 <1%
System Total 221 <1% 17% 46.4 1,100 <1% 83% 50.3 77% 1,321 <1%
Conjunctiva 10 74 <1% 95% 51 4 <1% 5% 67.3 50% 78 <1%
Cornea 11 539 <1% 86% 55.7 91 <1% 14% 55.8 19% 630 <1%
Extraocular Muscles 15 655 <1% 99% 17.6 7 <1% 1% 19 <1% 662 <1%
Eyelids 8 2,426 1% 91% 50.7 249 <1% 9% 50.8 61% 2,675 1%
Iris, Ciliary Body, Sclera, & Anterior Chamber 12 1,470 1% 88% 67.9 202 <1% 12% 69.6 11% 1,672 <1%
Lacrimal System 9 454 <1% 93% 23.2 35 <1% 7% 42.5 29% 489 <1%
Lens 13 21,275 8% 99% 72.8 199 <1% 1% 72.9 30% 21,474 4%
Orbit & Eyeball 16 149 <1% 53% 47 130 <1% 47% 37.4 7% 279 <1%
Retina, Choroid, Vitreous & Posterior Chamber 14 1,763 1% 76% 59.9 547 <1% 24% 57.9 11% 2,310 <1%
System Total 28,805 11% 95% 67.3 1,464 1% 5% 57.9 23% 30,269 6%
Female Reproductive System
Cervix 67 2,344 1% 94% 35.6 144 <1% 6% 40.5 26% 2,488 1%
Fallopian Tubes 66 3,686 1% 79% 31.9 1,008 <1% 21% 30.6 4% 4,694 1%
Ovary 65 1,103 <1% 48% 34 1,209 1% 52% 38.6 13% 2,312 <1%
Uterus - Other Incision & Excision 68 2,265 1% 26% 46.1 6,575 3% 74% 47.8 14% 8,840 2%
Uterus & Supporting Structures - Other Operatio 69 6,898 3% 91% 38.8 648 <1% 9% 34.7 18% 7,546 2%
Vagina & Cul-De-Sac 70 672 <1% 44% 36.2 868 <1% 56% 60.3 45% 1,540 <1%
Vulva & Perineum 71 686 <1% 82% 40.6 154 <1% 18% 51.7 45% 840 <1%
System Total 17,654 7% 62% 37.6 10,606 5% 38% 45.3 16% 28,260 6%
Hemic and Lymphatic System
Bone Marrow & Spleen 41 19 <1% 4% 53.3 426 <1% 96% 43.5 66% 445 <1%
Lymphatic System 40 1,204 <1% 58% 47.8 876 <1% 42% 58.5 82% 2,080 <1%
System Total 1,223 <1% 48% 47.8 1,302 1% 52% 53.6 77% 2,525 1%
Male Reproductive System
Penis 64 1,686 1% 11% 22.4 13,339 6% 89% 0.9 9% 15,025 3%
Prostate & Seminal Vesicles 60 1,371 1% 29% 67.7 3,429 2% 71% 70 88% 4,800 1%
Scrotum & Tunica Vaginalis 61 264 <1% 84% 43.6 52 <1% 16% 50.7 60% 316 <1%
Spermatic Cord, Epididymis & Vas Deferens 63 1,692 1% 98% 37.5 32 <1% 2% 54.9 59% 1,724 <1%
Testes 62 645 <1% 78% 34.4 184 <1% 22% 49.8 51% 829 <1%
System Total 5,658 2% 25% 40.2 17,036 8% 75% 15.6 26% 22,694 5%
Misc Diagnostic NonSurgical
Chemotherapy 99 12,401 5% 84% 60.5 2,440 1% 16% 57.7 83% 14,841 3%
Inter,eval,consult & exam 89 540 <1% 82% 57.2 122 <1% 18% 61.6 64% 662 <1%
Nonoperative intubation & irrigation 96 258 <1% 13% 42.6 1,768 1% 87% 47.3 76% 2,026 <1%
Nonoperative removal of foreign body & calculus 98 759 <1% 85% 46.5 131 <1% 15% 44 45% 890 <1%
Nuclear medicine 92 20 <1% 3% 57.7 600 <1% 97% 52.2 90% 620 <1%
Other diag radiology & related tech 88 8 <1% 4% 68.3 175 <1% 96% 55.9 79% 183 <1%
Phys/resp therapy, rehab, & related proc 93 1,106 <1% 31% 39.9 2,490 1% 69% 68.5 46% 3,596 1%
Replac & rem of therapeutic appliances 97 834 <1% 79% 44.3 219 <1% 21% 66.2 80% 1,053 <1%
System Total 15,926 6% 67% 57.2 7,945 4% 33% 58.4 69% 23,871 5%
Musculoskeletal System
Bones (Except Facial Bones) - Other Operations 78 2,309 1% 70% 41.8 988 <1% 30% 52.4 57% 3,297 1%
Facial Bones & Joints 76 335 <1% 32% 37.2 708 <1% 68% 35.7 17% 1,043 <1%
Fracture & Dislocation - Reduction of 79 3,824 1% 32% 39.7 8,037 4% 68% 58.6 68% 11,861 2%
Joint Structures - Incision & Excision 80 9,173 3% 66% 43.5 4,818 2% 34% 47.1 22% 13,991 3%
Joint Structures - Repair & Plastic Operations 81 3,166 1% 21% 44.2 12,030 5% 79% 62.6 70% 15,196 3%
Muscle, Tendon, & Fascia of Hand 82 3,419 1% 96% 47.5 143 <1% 4% 42.4 45% 3,562 1%
Muscle, Tendon, Fascia, & Bursa (Except Hand) 83 2,986 1% 65% 46.5 1,592 1% 35% 50.7 64% 4,578 1%
Musculoskeletal System - Other Procedures 84 321 <1% 13% 54.8 2,090 1% 87% 67 90% 2,411 <1%
Other Bones - Incision, Excision & Division 77 4,532 2% 79% 48.6 1,221 1% 21% 49.4 57% 5,753 1%
System Total 30,065 11% 49% 44.5 31,627 14% 51% 57.4 61% 61,692 13%
Nervous System
Cranial & Peripheral Nerves 4 7,129 3% 94% 50.7 460 <1% 6% 51.1 73% 7,589 2%
Skull, Brain, Cerebral Meninges - Incision & Ex 1 36 <1% 4% 36.3 809 <1% 96% 56.2 91% 845 <1%
Skull, Brain, Cerebral Meninges - Other Operati 2 14 <1% 2% 42.1 777 <1% 98% 35.5 82% 791 <1%
Spinal Cord & Spinal Canal Structures 3 9,186 3% 62% 53.5 5,558 2% 38% 40.6 61% 14,744 3%
Sympathetic Nerves or Ganglia 5 985 <1% 93% 47.3 69 <1% 7% 55.9 68% 1,054 <1%
System Total 17,350 6% 69% 51.9 7,673 3% 31% 42.5 67% 25,023 5%
Nose, Mouth, and Pharynx
Mouth & Face - Other Operations 27 1,010 <1% 7<1% 32.5 424 <1% 30% 34.3 33% 1,434 <1%
Nasal Sinuses 22 1,306 <1% 79% 43.2 348 <1% 21% 44.8 28% 1,654 <1%
Nose 21 4,265 2% 85% 43.6 773 <1% 15% 57.1 43% 5,038 1%
Pharynx 29 201 <1% 54% 43.8 170 <1% 46% 45.7 55% 371 <1%
Salivary Glands & Ducts 26 200 <1% 41% 50.2 293 <1% 59% 53.3 23% 493 <1%
Teeth, Gums, & Alveoli - Other Operations 24 438 <1% 84% 28.8 82 <1% 16% 44.2 38% 520 <1%
Tongue 25 227 <1% 76% 32.9 70 <1% 24% 42.9 53% 297 <1%
Tonsils & Adenoids 28 3,729 1% 76% 11.4 1,154 1% 24% 12.3 7% 4,883 1%
System Total 11,376 4% 77% 31.4 3,314 1% 23% 35.7 26% 14,690 3%
Cesarean Section & Removal of Fetus 74 369 <1% 5% 30.3 6,837 3% 95% 28.6 2% 7,206 1%
Forceps, Vacuum, & Breech Delivery 72 308 <1% 6% 28.6 4,445 2% 94% 27.6 1% 4,753 1%
Inducing or Assisting Delivery - Other Procedure 73 1,322 <1% 6% 29 20,186 9% 94% 27.1 <1% 21,508 4%
Obstetrical - Other Operations 75 3,515 1% 49% 26.2 3,723 2% 51% 27 1% 7,238 1%
System Total 5,514 2% 14% 27.3 35,191 16% 86% 27.5 1% 40,705 8%
Respiratory System
Chest Wall, Pleura, Mediastinum, & Diaphragm 34 585 <1% 16% 62 3,026 1% 84% 62.8 92% 3,611 1%
Larynx - Excision 30 443 <1% 74% 49.3 155 <1% 26% 55.7 68% 598 <1%
Larynx & Trachea - Other Operations 31 918 <1% 35% 49.5 1,717 1% 65% 52.5 74% 2,635 1%
Lung & Bronchus - Excision 32 19 <1% 2% 46.2 929 <1% 98% 60.5 93% 948 <1%
Lung & Bronchus - Other Operations 33 2,317 1% 47% 61.6 2,616 1% 53% 63.1 90% 4,933 1%
System Total 4,282 2% 34% 57.7 8,443 4% 66% 60.4 87% 12,725 3%
Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue & Breast
Breast 85 8,842 3% 79% 51.3 2,303 1% 21% 56.8 48% 11,145 2%
Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue 86 21,912 8% 72% 40.8 8,685 4% 28% 56.6 73% 30,597 6%
System Total 30,754 12% 74% 43.9 10,988 5% 26% 56.7 67% 41,742 8%
Urinary System
Kidney 55 337 <1% 19% 58.7 1,473 1% 81% 52.1 66% 1,810 <1%
Ureter 56 720 <1% 44% 51.1 916 <1% 56% 47 31% 1,636 <1%
Urethra 58 1,323 <1% 78% 48.1 364 <1% 22% 62.8 70% 1,687 <1%
Urinary Bladder 57 8,274 3% 74% 63.2 2,842 1% 26% 68.3 79% 11,116 2%
Urinary Tract - Other Operations 59 1,488 1% 58% 59.3 1,074 <1% 42% 55.4 38% 2,562 1%
System Total 12,142 5% 65% 60.2 6,669 3% 35% 59.4 63% 18,811 4%
Grand Total 267,307 100% 54% 50.3 224,783 100% 46% 49.7 55% 492,090 100%