Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations: A Five-Year Perspective (1991-1995)

Select Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations According to Incoming Source

psychosis dependence abuse detox/rehab totals
Incoming Source n n n n n
emergency department
1991 2,820 6,999 8,746 6 18,571
1992 3,194 7,280 10,336 12 20,822
1993 3,353 7,462 11,239 11 22,065
1994 4,395 7,682 12,687 32 24,796
1995 6,076 8,224 12,968 43 27,311
1991 2,255 8,210 460 0 10,925
1992 2,838 12,826 409 0 16,073
1993 2,251 12,890 414 0 15,555
1994 1,797 10,752 256 0 12,805
1995 1,431 10,772 297 0 12,500
transfer-in from health care facility
1991 75 275 40 0 390
1992 106 394 56 0 556
1993 107 353 76 0 536
1994 123 415 21 0 559
1995 241 289 50 0 580
court of Law
1991 2 29 1 0 32
1992 6 33 8 0 47
1993 12 46 14 0 72
1994 1 19 2 0 22
1995 14 14 2 0 30
1991 28 1,398 6 0 1432
1992 22 318 4 0 344
1993 4 40 11 0 55
1994 13 32 54 0 99
1995 11 282 45 0 338
1991 5,180 16,911 9,253 6 31,350
1992 6,166 20,851 10,813 12 37,842
1993 5,727 20,791 11,754 11 38,283
1994 6,329 18,900 13,020 32 38,281
1995 7,773 19,581 13,362 43 40,759


Source: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, inpatient hospitalization data, 1991 - 1995