Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations: A Five-Year Perspective (1991-1995)

Select Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations According to Drug Type

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
cases cases cases cases cases
Drug Type n % n % n % n % n %
Amphetamine and other psychostimulant 131 0.4 144 0.4 171 0.4 165 0.4 159 0.4
Antidepressant type 20 0.1 22 0.1 20 0.1 23 0.1 33 0.1
Barbiturate and Similary acting sedative or hypnotic 633 2.0 715 1.9 668 1.7 655 1.7 645 1.6
Cannabis 524 1.7 823 2.2 1,117 2.9 1,369 3.6 1,640 4.0
Cocaine 15,527 49.5 18,510 48.9 15,974 41.7 13,323 34.8 11,623 28.5
Hallucinogen 46 0.1 64 0.2 59 0.2 70 0.2 94 0.2
Multiple combinations of drugs 7,129 22.7 8,493 22.4 9,652 25.2 10,794 28.2 12,214 30.0
Opioid type 2,695 8.6 3,603 9.5 5,174 13.5 5,548 14.5 7,006 17.2
Other / unspecified / unknown drug 4,645 14.8 5,468 14.4 5,448 14.2 6,334 16.5 7,345 18.0

Note: Cases classified under a specific drug type include both abuse and dependency-related hospitalizations. "Other, unspecified, unknown drug" uincludes cases where drug used was not among those listed above, or the drug was not identified.

Source: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, inpatient hospitalization data, 1991 - 1995