Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations: A Five-Year Perspective (1991-1995)

Select Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations - Case Counts by Year

Category and ICD.9.CM Codes 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
cases cases cases cases cases
Drug-Related Admissions n % n % n % n % n %
psychosis 292.0-292.9 5,180 16.5 6,166 16.3 5,727 15.0 6,329 16.5 7,773 19.1
dependence 304 16,911 53.9 20,851 55.1 20,791 54.3 18,900 49.4 19,581 48.0
abuse 305.2-305.9 9,253 29.5 10,813 28.6 11,754 30.7 13,020 34.0 13,362 32.8
rehab and/or detox px94.64-px94.69 6 <0.1 12 <0.1 11 <0.1 32 0.1 43 0.1
Total 31,350 100.0 37,842 100.0 38,283 100.0 38,281 100.0 40,759 100.0

Select Drug-Related Inpatient Hospitalizations: Total Charges by Year

Category and ICD.9.CM Codes 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
total total total total total
Drug-Related Admissions charges charges charges charges charges
psychosis 292.0-292.9 $28,721,300 $38,258,300 $39,376,200 $56,915,400 $74,176,100
dependence 304 98,282,500 123,493,600 176,818,000 151,001,900 173,759,600
abuse 305.2-305.9 94,976,300 117,619,600 134,194,800 175,108,700 178,418,000
rehab and/or detox px94.64-px94.69 19,500 52,300 71,500 222,300 292,400
Total $221,999,600 $279,423,800 $350,460,500 $383,248,300 $426,646,100

Notes: Cases with ICD. 9. CM codes in more than one category (i.e., psychosis, dependence) have been assigned to a single category according to the order listed in the above tables. This approach undercounts the admissions involving rehab/detox (approximately 40% of all inpatient hospitalizations). These cases are captured under the psychosis, dependence, and abuse categories. All the codes used for the analysis are based on ICD.9.CM diagnosis codes except codes 94.64-94.69, which are procedure codes.

Source: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, inpatient hospitalization data, 1991 - 1995